Wednesday, January 16, 2008

my bucket list

my sister and i were talking about that new movie "the bucket list" that is being released this month. she started talking about creating this list for herself and living life to the fullest.
i actually made a bucket list about eight years ago. i never knew the term "bucket list" existed, but i wrote one out for some reason. surprisingly enough i've been knocking things off that list, without referring back to it.

here's some of the things I had on the list:
*go to Australia (done)
*pick fruit from a tree (yeah, this has always intrigued me)(done)
*travel to Japan
*travel to Europe
*travel to Italy (plan to do this in Summer 2009)
*go snowboarding
*participate in an organized sport (done)
*own my omiyage business
*learn ASL
*learn another language
*taste a recipe and create it without a recipe

okay, it's probably not as extreme as the things that are probably on the movie, but it was the list i created a while back.